Group Facilitation Training Program

Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

 Stanford University Home

   Teaching Faculty: Scott Bristol, Richard Francisco, Carole Robin, Flo Holman, David Bradford, Larissa Tiedens
  Applicants 2009    Facilitator Bids 2009-10    Facilitator Development 2009-10    Active Facilitators & Utilization  6/09


  2008-09 Facilitator Bid List

2009-10 Facilitator Bid List

Fall 2009 Bids
#1:  Bristol (Monday)
1 Gayle Young
2 Nirit Hazan
3 Chris McCanna
4 Ricki J. Frankel
5 Dikla Carmel
6 Paul Loper
7 Katie Heindel
8 Rajesh Oza
9 Marcus Abundis
#2:  Bristol (Tuesday)
1 Gayle Young
2 Nirit Hazan
3 Chris McCanna
4 Bill Edison
5 Inbal Demri
6 Dietmar Brinkmann
7 Dikla Carmel
8 Gabriel Cooper
9 Patrick McNamara
10  Katie Heindel
11 Monisha Mustapha
12 Zoe Dunning
13 Rajesh Oza
14 Marcus Abundis
#3: Robin (Tue-Thu)
1 Gayle Young
2 Nirit Hazan
3 Bill Edison
4 Inbal Demri
5 Chris McCanna
6 Dikla Carmel
7 Bruce Birkett
8 Gabriel Cooper
9 Patrick McNamara
10 Katie Heindel
11 Monisha Mustapha
12 Zoe Dunning
13 Lela Djakovic
14 Erica Peng
15 Rajesh Oza
16 Marcus Abundis
Winter 2010 Bids
#4:  Francisco (Mon-Fri/Wed)
1 Inbal Demri
2 Zoe Dunning
3 Sue Neville
4 Stephanie Soler
5 Marcus Abundis
7 Paul Loper
8 Chris McCanna
9 Sherri Rose
11 Alan Brisbon
12  Erin Clausen
13 Pien   van den Herik
14 Marc Tognotti
15  Erica Peng
16 Jana Basili
17 Dikla Carmel
#5:  Tiedens & Hoylman (Mon)
1 Sue Neville
2 Stephanie Soler
3 Marcus Abundis
4 Sharon Shoemaker
5 Chris McCanna
7 Alan Brisbon
8 Nirit Hazan
9  Erin Clausen
10 Pien   van den Herik
11 Marc Tognotti
12  Erica Peng
13 Jana Basili
#6: Bristol (Thu)
1 Jana Basili
2 Monisha Mustapha
3 Inbal Demri
4 Dietmar Brinkmann
5 Zoe Dunning
6 Sue Neville
7 Marcus Abundis
8 Randy Marcotte
9 Paul Loper
11 Sherri Rose
12 Alan Brisbon
13 Chevalisa Bruzzonne
14  Erin Clausen
15 Dennis Werkmeister
16 Pien   van den Herik
17 Marc Tognotti
18   Erica Peng
Spring 2010 Bids
#7:  Francisco (Mon-Fri)
1 Inbal Demri
2 Marcus Abundis
3 Randy Marcotte
4 Chris McCanna
5 Nirit Hazan
6 Dennis Werkmeister
7 Dikla Carmel
8 Gabriel Cooper
9  Erin Clausen
10 Stephanie Soler
11 Jana Basili

#8:  Bristol (Thu)

1 Gabriel Cooper
2 Monisha Mustapha
3 Inbal Demri
4 Jay  Seiff-Haron
5 Marcus Abundis
6 Randy Marcotte
7 Dennis Werkmeister
8 Dikla Carmel
9  Erin Clausen
10 Stephanie Soler
11 Paul Loper
12 Kevin Martin
13 Jana Basili
Reader Bids 2009-10
Fall 2009
1 Kim-Elisha Proctor
2 Paul Loper
3 Gabriel Cooper (6)
4 Erica Peng
5 Rajesh Oza
6 Nirit Hazan
7 Monisha Mustapha
8 Inbal Demri
9 Andrea Robicheau
10 Chevalisa Bruzzone
11 Lisa Stefanac
Winter 2010
1 Gabriel Cooper (6)
2 Jamila Rufaro
3 Monisha Mustapha
4 Inbal Demri
5 Jana Basili
6 Chevalisa Bruzzone
7 Erica Peng
8 Andrea Robicheau
9 Marcus Abundis
11 Lisa Stefanac
10 Christine Cress
Spring 2010
1 Gabriel Cooper (6)
2 Monisha Mustapha
3 Inbal Demri
4 Jana Basili
5 Rajesh Oza
6 Chevalisa Bruzzone
7 Erica Peng
8 Andrea Robicheau
9 Chevalisa Bruzzone
10 Paul Loper

2009-2010 Facilitator Event Opportunities and Selected Co-Facilitators per Event

(see below Facilitator Bid, Reader Bid, and Selection Process)

Event Quarter Faculty Facilitator Time Commitment (Class, Clinic, Evening T-group, Weekend) Selected Co-Facilitators ( per row)


Fall '09


OB374.1: Sept 21-Nov 16; 1st clinic and 1st T-group Sept 21, 1st day of class.

1a) John Cronkite (LC)

1b) Chris McCanna

Mon: Class *10:00am-1:00pm,  Clinic 1:30-3:30pm,  7:00-10:00 PM (*Facilitators attend class starting Sept 28)

2a) Ricki Frankel

2b) Rajesh Oz

Weekend: Nov 6-8  Location: To be determined 3a)  Rich Kass (SrF) 3b) Katie Heindel


Fall '09


OB374.2: Sept 22-Nov 17; 1st clinic and 1st T-group Sept 22, 1st day of class

1a) Hugh Keelan (LC)

1b) Gayle Young

Tue: Class *10:00am-1:00pm,  Clinic 1:30-3:30pm,  7:00-10:00 PM (*Facilitators attend class starting Sept 29)

2a) Sharon Richmond (LC)

2b) Bill Edison

Weekend: Nov 13-15 Location: To be determined

3a) Gabriel Cooper

3b) Dikla Carmel


Fall '09


 OB374.3: Sept 29-Dec 1; No class Nov 24, Tue-Thu

1a)  Leslie Chin (SrF)

1b) Patrick McNamara

Tue: Class 1:15-3:00 pm, Clinic 3:15-5:15pm. Evening T-group 7:00-10:00pm,

2a) Collins Dobbs (LC)

2b) Nirit Hazan

Weekend: Nov 13-15 Location: To be determined

3a) Yifat Sharabi-Levine (LC)

3b) Bruce Birkett




OB374.1: Jan 11-Mar 8, Mon-Fri

1a)  John Cronkite (LC)

1a) Sherri Rose

Mon: Class 1:15-3:00pm, Clinic 3:15-5:15pm, * Monday Evening T-group 7:00-10:00pm, *Except MLK Holiday, class and evening T-group held on Wed, Jan-20. Note: 1) Class is held on Presidents Day 2) First 5 Friday classes are held on Friday, 2nd 5 Friday classes are held on Wed.*Except MLK Holiday, class and evening T-group held on Wed, Jan-20. Note class is held on Presidents Day.

2a) Leslie Chin (SrF)

2a)  Paul Loper

Weekend: Feb 26-Feb28

3a)  Hugh Keelan (LC)

3a) Pien van den Herik


Winter '10

Tiedens & Hoylman

OB374.2: Jan 11-Mar 8,  Mon only

1a)  Rich Kass (SrF)

1b) Erica Peng

Mon: Class*3:15-6:15pm, Clinic 1:00-3:00pm, Evening T-group 7:30-10:30pm *Facilitators attend class, *Except MLK Holiday, class and evening T-group held on Wed, Jan-20. Note class is held on Presidents Day.

2a) Andrea Corney (LC)

2b) Alan Brisbon

Weekend: Feb 19-21

3a) Sue Neville

3b) Marc Tognotti




OB374.3: Jan 7-Mar 11, Thu only

1a)Ed Batista (LC)

 1b) Chevalisa Bruzzome

Thu: Class* 3:15-6:15pm, Clinic 1:00-3:00pm, Evening T-group 7:30-10:30pm (*Facilitators attend class) No class/clinic/t-groups Feb 4.

2a)  Zoe Dunning

2b)  Jana Basili

Weekend: Feb 26-Feb 28

3a) Dennis Werkmeister

3b)  Monisha Mustapha


Spring '10


OB374.1: *April 5–June 2, Mon-Fri

1a) Jana Basili

1b) Inbal Demri

Mon: Class 1:15-3:00pm, Clinic 3:15-5:15pm, * Monday Evening T-group 7:00-10:00pm,  (*June 2, in place of May 31, Memorial Day)

2a) Gabriel Cooper

2b) Stephanie Soler

Weekend: May 21-23

3a) Dennis Werkmeister

3b) Chris McCanna


Spring '10


OB374.2: Apr 1-May 27, Thu only, 1st clinic and 1st T-group April 1, 1st day of class.

1a)  Leslie Chin (SrF)

1a)  Rich Kass (SrF)

 Thu: Class* 3:15-6:15pm, Clinic 1:00-3:00pm, Evening T-group 7:30-10:30pm (*Facilitators attend class)

2a)  Nirit Hazan

2a)  Marcus Abundis

Weekend: May 21-23

3a) Paul Loper

3a)  Dikla Carmel

2009-10  Course Reader Opportunities: Readers will be expected to read and provide feedback on two one-page assignments/week and one three-page journal entry per week (i.e. total of 5 pages pet week x 10 weeks).   Readers will be responsible for 9-12 students’ written work. Pay will $150/student. Submit your bids to read to Scott Bristol. Carole Robin will coordinate selection of readers. Senior Facilitators are required to read for 12 students per quarter as part of their job responsibility.

Event Quarter Faculty # Students to Read Per Week Per Section
#1 Fall '09 Bristol No Readers  
#2 Fall '09 Bristol No Readers  
#3 Fall '09 Robin Readers (36): Senior Facilitators: Chin (12), Kass (12); Facilitators: Loper (6), Frankel (6)
#4 Winter '10 Francisco Readers (36): Senior Facilitator:  (12) ; Facilitators: (24)
#5 Winter '10 Tiedens & Hoylman Readers (36): Senior Facilitator:  (12) ; Facilitators: (24)
#6 Winter '10 Bristol No Readers  
#7 Spring '10 Francisco Readers (36): Senior Facilitator:  (24) ; Facilitators: (12)
#8 Winter '10 Bristol No Readers  


Facilitator Bid and Selection Process <Back>

All Facilitators who have completed the GSB training program can bid for an opportunity to facilitate by

  1. Sending Scott Bristol: an e-mail before the bid close date,

  2. Specifically listing the event(s)# you want to bid for.

  3. Facilitator Development events will require Active Facilitators at the NTL or Experienced Level as indicated.

  4. You can bid for as many events as you want.

  5. If your not sure of dates feel free to add your name to an event bid list and then remove it before bid close date.

Bid submittal dates:

  • Facilitator Bids will be accepted until the end July 17, 2009 for Fall 09 facilitator selection.
  • Facilitator Bids will be accepted until the end October 16, 2009 for Winter 10 facilitator selection.
  • Facilitator Bids will be accepted until the end January 29, 2009 for Spring 10 facilitator selection.

This is not a first bid first choice process, I will collect and record all bids up until closing dates. Once you submit your bid it will be added to the 2008-09 Facilitator Bid List  on this web page. Teaching Faculty for each respective event and I will apply the following criteria to select staffing teams. This process does not preclude me from recruiting individuals as I anticipate special experience or scheduling needs.

Faculty Selection Criteria

Active Facilitators will be given first priority in this sequence (* Contact Paul Mattish: )

  1. *Complete the Stanford Law Room Sexual Harassment Prevention Training.
  2. *If you facilitated in 2008-09 you need to have completed and entered your Faculty evaluation online in the facilitator data base.
  3. All staffing decisions are at the discretion of the Faculty member teaching the respective section. These variables will guide Faculty staffing decisions.
  4. Facilitators in Training (FiT) who have completed the GFTP within 12 months are given priority placement and pairing with a Leadership Coach or Experienced Facilitator. Each years GFTP class are given an opportunity to compete a year of facilitation and training and advance to the Experience level.
  5. Returning Facilitators in Training increase their chance of placement if they have completed a Developmental Training in the last year.
  6. Stanford Leadership Coaches (LC) will have priority placement based on their scheduled availability.
  7. Experienced Facilitators (Exp) will be paired with 'Facilitators in Training' and other Experienced Facilitators according to Faculty assessment, taking into account these variables in this sequence 1) male-female teams, 2) diversity, and 3) balanced opportunity across all bids.

Active Facilitators vs. Inactive Facilitator Categories for 2009-10

  1. Complete the Stanford Law Room Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
  2. If you facilitated in 2008-09 you need to have completed and entered your Faculty evaluation online in the facilitator data base.
  3. Any facilitator who completed GSB GFTP Winter: 2006 to 2009.
  4. Any facilitator who has trained a GSB or Cross Campus t-group during the 2006-9 school year.
  5. Any NTL member or Leadership Coach need to have facilitated a t-group in the past 3 years.
  6. Any facilitator who completed  a 2-day Facilitator Development Workshop during the 2008-09 school year. This includes the four training actives: Diversity, Intra-personal, Group Level, Advanced Facilitator Training.
  7. Inactive Facilitators, those who do not fit any of the above categories can bid, but you are in a low priority group. To increase your chances, and have your name added to the active facilitator list you need to attend at least one of Facilitator Development  2-day workshops. 

Active Facilitator Categories

  1. LC - Stanford Leadership Coach
  2. SrF- Senior Facilitator,1/2 time job
  3. NTL - NTL Institute Members
  4. Exp- Experienced Facilitators - any facilitator paid at $3000 level, this includes our previous category of Advanced Facilitators.
  5. FiT-Facilitators in Training- according to pay level according to the number of T-groups facilitated. GFTP=0$, F1=$500, F2=$1000, F3=$3000.
Leadership  Coaches Level  @ May 08
Ed Batista Exp
Andrea  Corney NTL
John  Cronkite NTL
Collins  Dobbs NTL
Hugh Keelan Exp
Sharon Richmond Exp
Yifat Sharabi-Levine NTL
Senior  Facilitator  
Leslie Chin Exp
Richard Kass Exp