LJMap.com: Life Journey Map®

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The Life Journey MapⓇ is a personal values assessment tool and an educational methodology for identifying values that are important, significant and meaningful to you. You start this journey by participating in an online, interactive, educational experience ranking 130 different values. This will take 20-40 minutes. Upon completion your top 6 priority values will be emailed to you.

Meaningful Change

The Life Journey Map® is a values measurement tool and an educational methodology for influencing meaningful change at the individual, group, and cultural level. 

You start with an online, interactive, educational experience that measures 130 different values

From this activity four Life Journey Maps® are generated. These maps help you explore and identify meaningful values and behaviors that you experience as:

  • Motivating, rewarding, and satisfying.
  • Aspiring to, striving for, and seeking.
  • Concerning, lacking, and absent.
  • Essential, intrinsic, and fundamental.

Meaning, not pleasure, is our prime motivator. Our Field of Meaning, our top 34 values, define an individual's or team's unique developmental journey and potential for change. 

Values are an elusive concept that are generally acknowledged as influencing our behavior, our choices, what motivates us and makes our lives meaningful, and what makes one culture different from another. This begs a number of questions:

The purpose of LJMap.com is to support you in your quest to answer these questions. 

Doors to the Life Journey Map® 

There are three different levels of experiencing the Life Journey Map® as represented by the three different login options above.

1) myValues is your door to completing a Life Journey Map® values ranking. 

2) myMaps is the door to your four Life Journey Maps® and 130 value definitions.

3) ccMaps is the qualified coach/consultant door to the Life Journey Map® software providing:

  • Unlimited user invitation, 

  • Purchase of value rankings, and 

  • Unlimited individual and group maps.

Life Journey Map® Business Model

1) Starts with a personal invitation from a coach/consultant.

2) Requires that each user review and confirm LJMap's information disclosure agreement before commencing. 

3) Upon completing a values ranking the user and his or her inviting coach receive a free e-mail report identifying the user's six priority values.

4) Completed values rankings are purchased by the inviting coach/consultant. Detailed  values ranking scores can be accessed online as a data table or via printable individual or group Life Journey Maps®.


LJMap Corp.
711 S. Carson St. Suite 4
Carson City, NV 89701 USA
phone: 1-520-272-7051
e-mail: scott@LJMap.com


Scott Bristol's tools, practice, and theory, for using the Life Journey Map® to effect meaningful change.

Summary: "Why Values Matter"


  1. Life Journey Maps® - 130 Values presented on a developmental continuum.

  2. 20+ Values Paths - different avenues of meaningful developmental.

  3. Values Graphing visualizing different steps in a problem solving story from a values approach. 


  1. Values Coaching requires linguistic shift and empathy shift.

  2. Using values to achieve Customer Alignment

  3. Using the Mission for Leader Alignment and Change


  1. The Five Characteristics of Values builds on our common human experience.

  2. Languaging Change - understand how your general, basic, and specific language effects your ability to influence change. LJMap uses this language to define different value categories.

  3. Starting with the a general definition of Worldview, understand how LJMap measures difference and change according to your Natural Worldview and Developmental Worldview.

  4. Bands of Cognition describe where values exist. Unit of Measure describes the fundamental element of values measurement.

  5. The Field of Meaning measures the individual, group, or culture's potential for change. 

  6. Validity and Reliability are important elements of this new values measurement methodology.

  7. Values as a Circular Phenomena are self-reinforcing and can lead to closed systems that resist change.

  8. The variations in values orientation are fundamental to the dynamics of Culture and Change


  1. Authentic Influence 'Learn to use your authentic expression to influence meaningful change'.

  2. Coach/Consultant: Qualify to use the Life Journey Map®


  1. LJMap Disclosure Agreement

  2. LJMap Business Model

  3. Bibliography

  4. International Associates