Notes from NTL Bay Area Meetings 2008

Feb 10 (David's)

The next meeting is Sunday, February 10th at David’s house [directions attached].  The discussion, led by Scott is on:

 Exploring How our Beliefs about ‘Self’ Influence our Relationships

-       What is your definition of self?

-       Is it enduring? How does it relate to your belief of what happens to self after death?

-       How is related to your spiritual/religious beliefs?

-       How does it influence your day to day interactions?


Mar 16 (Jack and Flo's)

Jan 2 (Craig's)

Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 2nd  at Craig’s house in Los Altos [Directions attached].  Jack will lead us in an exploration of social class.  As usual, we start with coffee and cake at 1:30.  Please let Craig know if you are coming []


Our first Bay Area NTL meeting [involving David Bradford, Scott Bristol, John Cronkite, Flo Hoylman, Mary Ann Huckabay, Yifat Levine, Craig Schuler and Jack Sherwood] met at Craig’s apartment on January 2nd.  Jack led us in a very interesting and challenging discussion where we shared “where we felt superior” to others and how it felt to feel superior.  Several of us acknowledged that this was one of the more difficult discussions to admit these feelings.

We were concerned that meeting on Wednesdays precluded those who were working full time.  So we decided to hold our next two meetings on Sunday afternoon.  We will start at 12:30 so that people can get home for dinner.

The next meeting is Sunday, February 10th at David’s house [directions attached].  The discussion, led by Scott is on:

 Exploring How our Beliefs about ‘Self’ Influence our Relationships

-       What is your definition of self?

-       Is it enduring? How does it relate to your belief of what happens to self after death?

-       How is related to your spiritual/religious beliefs?

-       How does it influence your day to day interactions?


And a related paper is attached.


The March meeting will be Sunday the 16th at Jack and Flo’s.