Notes from NTL Bay Area Meetings 2001

Meeting Dec 12, 2001


Hello All--
Frank and I had a conversation earlier today about the agenda for our meeting on the 12th that he & I are co-hosting.  There are at least five possible topics that have been suggested:
1. Difficult t-group situations
2. How values underlying OD have changed
3. The meaning of money in our work
4. The current work situation and how we're coping with it
5. Proposed Ph.D. program collaboration with NTL and Saybrook
We think this is too many for one meeting.  So if you'll please let us know your preferences, we'll develop a recommended agenda prior to the meeting and defer some of the topics.  John has already suggested that topic #5 might be the focus of the next meeting.
Please continue to let us know if you are planning to attend the meeting; thanks to those of you already who have .
Happy Thanksgiving.



Hi all!


10 of us gathered at Frank Friedlander's home on December 12 and had a

wonderful conversation. 


The question "What's up with you at this point in

time?" seemed sufficient to keep us engaged with one another for the entire

meeting if we hadn't agreed to additional agenda.


We found several common themes in our sharing / dialogue. Time and

effectiveness; vulnerability and emotionality; and really good / really

challenging poles of experience.


The last 45 minutes or so, we talked with Dennis and John about their

interest in collaborating with NTL on a PhD program. It was the strong

consensus of the group not to pursue a strong affiliation at this point in

time -- rather to design the program we really want, then call on local NTL

resources and Stanford trained facilitators to help in delivery. Dennis and

John agreed to make the purpose and vision of the PhD program clearer, and

then to invite BA-NTL to help brainstorm HOW to do it.


Regards and my very best wishes for the holiday season.


John Adams, PhD

Director, Organizational Systems

Saybrook Graduate School

415 753 6668

415 753 6669 Fax


Meeting  Oct 24, 2001


Hi Folks,

The Oct 24 meeting will be at Arlene's in Tiburon, and I am coordinating

details for it.

I will be presenting my TRUTH AT WORK game--we'll play it and share

ideas about how it can be used in our work...and how it can be improved.


The other presentation was to be Dennis, but he now has a schedule

conflict and cannot be we might use the remaining time to

talk about getting work. I see from Scott's email that this topic was

of interest to some. Or is there someone who has a passion that they'd

like to share about?

I'll get directions and details about the program to you later.



No notes sent.

Meeting  Sept 20, 2001


I am afraid that I have some sad news. Dennis Jaffe's sister is among the

missing in the World Trade Center. He has flown back to New York.


We have decided to still hold our Thursday meeting, but it will now be at my

house in Berkeley. Directions are attached.


No lunch, but we will have coffee and cake at 12:30 so that we can start at

1:00. The first agenda item is for us to jointly plan a weekend

trainer-of-trainer program for the Stanford Facilitators. Also attached is

a memo setting out the parameters.


The second agenda item was to be led by Dennis (on how we are handling

money) and that will be postponed. In talking with a couple of you, it

seemed most appropriate to talk about last week. As helpers, we usually

help others and do we get enough of a chance to take care of our needs?


There are a couple of ways we can approach this.

-- Obviously, one way is to speak about what this has personally meant to


-- Another approach is, as behavioral scientists to try and understand this.

[Scott Bristol has an interesting analysis from his value perspective --

Scott, could you e-mail that to all of us?)


We will decide when we are together, which approach we want to take.

Meeting from 1 to 5:30 followed by wine and cheese. There are also

wonderful (and inexpensive) restaurants in Berkeley so consider sticking

around and a group of us will be going out.

Hope to see many of you here on Thursday.

David Bradford



Last week 11 of us met at David Bradford's to continue our Bay Area NTL meeting. The meeting ran from 12:30-5:30 with 6 of us having dinner together before heading home. Here's a review of day.

I mention this because it seems to be a structure we are adapting to:

12:30-1:00 Welcoming,

1:00-3:00 1st Subject

3:00-5:00 2nd Subject

5:00-5:30 Wine/snacks

Dinner together- optional

Also, we've established some norms around setting the agenda and making the time meaningful:

- People who have a passion/interest they want to present to the group take the lead on structuring the agenda for their session. They can use the whole session if they need it. This includes getting out any pre-work that might facilitate the session.

- Meetings are open to all NTL members and alumni.

- We hold our couterdependency in abeyance:) and go with the design of the session.

Two topics were addressed at the Sept 20 meeting.

1. David provided the structure and task for the first half of our meeting: Designing an Advanced Train-the-Trainers weekend for a group of the Stanford Facilitators that have been active in the Stanford B-School 'personal skills course'. Mary Ann, Judith and Flo are actively involved in this course, Frank has worked with it before and I've also participated as a Sr. Trainer. Present in our group was good degree of personal experience with the Stanford project and the issues the trainers appear to struggle with. We split into two groups. A number of different themes were explored. One theme that was more of a dialectic was 1) to what degree to we as 'experts' declare and structure the session base on our years of experience vs. 2) to what degree to we ask the participants to declare their own learning needs to which we respond. On top of this was added the complexity and learning model, of concentric "fish bowls"- Sr Staff- Co-Trainers- Participants, etc..

The conclusion was that we had provided enough training material for more than one weekend.

2. The second half of the meeting focused on recent events at the WTC. To various degrees we we're all still working through our different personal experiences. We used this short time to tell our own story's, share feelings and concerns, and have them heard by a group of empathetic colleagues that could tolerate difference.

3. Evaluation. We all left feeling 're-vitalized' to a degree and appreciating both the intellectual and emotional events of the day and especially appreciating our group of peers.

4. Future topics: Since many of us have been negatively impacted by recent events... we joked about our open schedules.. but also raised the question about how might we generate work? A topic for a future meeting.


Scott Bristol


In attendance:

David Bradford, Arlene Scott, Ted Scott, Tracy Gibbons, Flo Hoylman, Jack Sherwood, Frank Friedlander, Mary Ann Huckabay, Judith Noel, Joseph Luft, Scott Bristol


Next sessions are scheduled for

Wed., Oct. 24 (Sue Campbell will be organizing the agenda and it will likely be held in Tiburon)

Wed. Dec. 12. (Frank Friedlander and Tracy Gibbons will be organizing the agenda and it will be held at Frank's house in Las Gatos)


Meeting July 26, 2001


Greetings To All!


We have received replies from about 15 members indicating

they will join us on Thursday, July 26 from 1:00 pm to

5:00 pm to learn about Mark Williams’ unique approach to

diversity training and discuss trainer self disclosure in

a T-Group arising from David Bradford’s work at Stanford.

Our meeting will be held in the Community Room on the

second floor of the new Town Hall in Tiburon. We’ll have

wine, cheese and other nourishments to support us during

our explorations and discussions.


Since we are meeting in a large enough space, last minute

and late arrivals are welcome. However, it is nice to

have a sense of how many might attend so continue to send

us your intentions right up to July 26.


For those of you attending, if you wish to take the draft

Gallup Instrument measuring Mark’s diversity dimensions,

e-mail us your address and we will send you a copy which

you will need to send back for scoring before our

meeting. Unfortunately, we cannot release this instrument

to all who may be interested until Mark’s book is out and

his Diversity Channel is up and running this Fall. So,

please ask for the instrument only if you are coming to

the meeting.


Directions: From Hwy 101, drive East on Tiburon Blvd (CA

Route 131) for approximately 3.9 miles. As you enter the

“downtown” area, you should note the new Town Library and

the new Town Hall (with clock tower) on your left. There

is free parking between the Library and the Town Hall and

behind the Town Hall. The signs say 2-hour limit and, we

are assured by our friends in the Recreation Department,

that there is no problem parking for longer periods. For

those of you who wish to be law abiding, there is a fee

parking lot ($2) next to the Town Hall on the Eastern

side. If the little red machine does not spit out a

ticket, lift a lid to your right, look inside the box a

get an envelope to put your money in. A slot in the box

is for the envelope. (We have been playing Myst III and

this sounds very familiar).


We will start setting up around 12:15 pm so come early and

move chairs! After the meeting, we thought it would be

fun to have as many of us as possible eat an early no host

dinner together at one of the waterfront restaurants. Let

us know if you want to be a part of the dinner group and

we’ll make reservations.


Looking forward to seeing you on the 26th.

Sue & Howard



Summary Notes

Bay Area NTL Learning Community Meeting


Present: David Bradford, Scott Bristol, Susan Campbell, Tracey Gibbons, Flo Hoylman, Mary Ann Huckaby, Dennis Jaffee, Howard Lamb, Sue Ries Lamb, Joe Luft, Jack Sherwood ... Notes prepared by Sue Ries Lamb

  Another gathering of Bay Area NTLers -- this time with 11 of us present to stimulate, debate, tease, amuse, learn from and enjoy each other. The first half of our session focused on Mark Williams’ Lens approach to diversity, with Howard and Sue Lamb presenting an overview of the approach and asking for input from the group on ideas for developing a diagnostic process to assess the organization’s human resource systems from a Lens perspective. (Howard and Sue are working with Mark on the development of training programs, eLearning courses and a diagnostic consulting process, using this Lens approach.)

Mark has identified -- and the Gallup organization is in the process of psychometrically validating -- 10 different lenses, or perspectives, which can be applied at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and organization levels of diversity work with special emphasis on race, color, ethnicity and nationality. (A second set of lenses will focus on gender, with subsequent sets focusing on additional key dimensions of diversity). The Lenses and their “mottos” include:

              The Assimilationist Lens -- “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

              The Colorblind Lens -- “When I see you, I see a person, not your color”

              The Culturalcentrist Lens -- “My culture is central to my personal and public identity”

              The Elitist Lens -- “Membership has its privileges”

              The Integrationist Lens ‘’ “Ebony and ivory live together on my piano keys ... Shouldn’t we?”

              The Meritocratist Lens -- “Cream rises to the top”

              The Multiculturalist Lens -- “The more, the merrier”

              The Seclusionist Lens -- “Birds of a feather flock together”

              The Transcendent Lens -- “We’re all one race -- the human race”

              The Victim/Caretaker Lens -- “We shall overcome”

The approach is intended to be both diagnostic and developmental. Each lens has its strengths and shadows, as well as what Mark calls its “highest level of expression” to contribute to effective interpersonal, team and organizational functioning.

Each cultural identity group has its legacies -- the historical events and conditions that have influenced the way that group views and interacts with other groups. However, the individual members of any cultural identity group will prioritize the layers -- i.e., race, gender, ethnicity, age, profession, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, etc. --by which s/he identifies him/herself. Our preferred lenses are influenced by, and in turn influence, the ways in which we think about our legacies and layers. Mark suggests that a key way to change the diversity conversation and have more meaningful dialogue with each other is to use “the 6 L’s:”

                Looking inward to identify our own:

               -               Lenses

               -               Layers

               -               Legacies

               Listening for the content, meaning and world view of the other person, including

               what lens s/he’s viewing the situation from, what layers are most important to

               him/her, what legacies s/he’s been influenced by

               Languaging in ways which are not offensive or distracting for the other person,

               given his/her cultural identity, lenses, etc.

At the systemic level, understanding the lenses that are most influential with respect to marketing, product development, advertising, customer service, and recruiting and development of employees can help the organization leverage the strengths of these lenses, minimize their shadows and identify additional lenses which may be complementary to the predominant lenses in accomplishing the organization’s business goals.

  After a lively round of discussion and some (ed. comment) extremely helpful  input about the approach for the Lambs to work with, the second half of our meeting focused on a discussion, facilitated by David Bradford, on the topic of “How much should we self disclose and be vulnerable in our role as HI trainers?” Some of the reasons for disclosing include: modeling how participants can work their own issues, being authentic in our interactions with group members, demonstrating the importance/power of being in touch with one’s own feelings and able to share them, and showing that we are empathic with what is going on. Some of the reasons for not disclosing include: the potential for working too many of our own issues and keeping the group members from working on theirs, the fact that the group needs to feel reassured - especially when it is in its early stages - that the facilitator has his/her stuff together and the potential for group members to feel coerced into having to self disclose in the same way.

While we all have our own perspectives on what is “too much” or “too little” self disclosure, there was a lot of agreement on the following points:

              As trainers, we have an obligation to create psychological safety for the group;

               there may be times when we need to self disclose for this purpose

              The maturity of the group and the timing of self disclosing interventions are

               critical issues -- Self disclosure early in the group’s history is not usually                appropriate

              Sharing our feelings about what’s going on in the here and now, using I                statements, is the way most of us would go about self disclosure

              Some times, when we think a group member needs to feel that someone else has

               gone through/understands/empathizes with what s/he is going through and no

               one else in the group is providing this reassurance, it helps for the trainer to

               self disclose for this purpose

              There are nonverbal ways to show that we are fully present and show empathy, as

               well as the verbal ones

              There are legitimate reasons for maintaining the trainer role (vs “hiding behind” it)

              We all have experienced the nervous sensations in the gut and the repeated

               question in the head about “Should I/Shouldn’t I say what’s going on for me!”


A Review of Our Norms


Since we were a much larger group than at our last meeting, we reviewed and added to the norms by which we want to operate:


              We will stay with the planned agenda for a meeting

              Participants in the group will be current or former NTL members

              However, we will not be focusing on NTL as an organization or turning these meetings into gripe sessions about NTL

              There will be no pressure about attendance at these meetings

              Those who do come will have the most influence about the selection of dates and topics for the next round of meetings

              The agenda will be based on our “passions” -- what we are most interested in and/or needing support on at the current time

              Whoever volunteers to present/facilitate a discussion for the next meeting will serve as the host, be responsible for the agenda and, also, for minutes after the meeting

              If the presenter/facilitator requests preparation ahead of time, we agree to comply with the request

              We will engage in straight talk with each other

We also updated our list of possible topics for future meetings. This list is attached on a separate page so that we can continue to refer to it at future meetings.

Before ending the meeting, Scott and Tracey gave a brief report on the NTL Membership Meeting which was held in Bethel last week.

After the meeting, seven of us capped a delightful afternoon by having dinner together at Sam’s on the Tiburon waterfront.

The next meeting will be hosted by Dennis Jaffee on Thursday, September 20th. Topics will include a discussion facilitated by Dennis on “Money, Legacies and Retirement” and group input to David Bradford and Mary Ann Huckaby on a design for a weekend training program for Stanford facilitators.

P.S. Book recommendation from Dennis Jaffee: Developing Cultural Competence by Franz Trompenaars

Potential Topics for Future Meetings of the

Bay Area NTL Learning Community

              Design of weekend training program for Stanford facilitators -- September 20th

              Money -- its significance for us, how we’re earning it, what we want to do with

               it in retirement, what legacies we want to leave -- September 20th

              Bringing in special workshops for our own growth -- e.g., Power Equity Group

               Developing other weekend training programs for professionals and others

               (Maybe be able to generate some income from this ... Maybe develop a

               training program that could be used as a “feeder program” for new younger

               NTL members  

              Our professional development and support

               -   What we’re currently needing support with in terms of client cases, crit incidents, etc.

               -  Questions/discussion on theory and practice

              What we’re working on that’s “new and different”

              “Johari Safari” -- exploring our hidden and blind sides

               Community building -- where is it, what are useful corrective points?

               Redesign and staff some of NTL labs to offer them in this area

               -               More business-focused HI    

Susan Campbell’s team building game -- October?  

Meeting  May 30, 2001


Bay Area - NTL Members


This is a reminder and a request for confirmation if you plan to attend.

- Need know how may people will be present on Wed so I can have enough chairs, etc.

- Need to know if your coming Tuesday night and want to attend an informal dinner at my house (108 Clark Ave, Santa Cruz 95060).


Date: Wednesday, May 30

Time: 9-4

Place: (My Office) 55B Municipal Wharf, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Phone: 831-457-3117


Theme: "Values, Words and Meaning"



Tuesday Evening: 6:00 PM Informal dinner at my house Wednesday:

Wednesday: 9:00-4:00

9:00- 10:30 Focus Session


a) Overview

b) Personal "values disclosure":

-Individuals share and discuss personal values that are motivating them at this stage of their life?

- How do these values relate to our work in group dynamics?

c) Identify relevant pressing questions we want to address.

d) Use "pressing questions" and group size to structure the days agenda.


10:45-12:00 Working session 1

12:00- 1:00 Lunch- (Enjoy the environment!)

1:00 - 3:00 Working session 2


3:00- 4:00 Summary of Learnings and Next Steps.


Additional Request for Information:

1) In order to facilitate disclosure and discussion of personal values and to directly relate "values" to group and organizational development I'm requesting that you complete the Life Journey Map, an online values ranking process I developed. You'll receive immediate feedback after completing ljMap ranking- your top 6 priority values. We will use our personal priority values to start and structure the day.

2) If you have "pressing questions" and agenda items please send them to me so we can build a list. Here are some I've received:

- "exactly what is the role of the trainer in a T-group?" ,

- "how (and when) disclosing should we be?

- "How and when to use our own issues?"

- "What about our values; do we bring them in?"

- It would also be nice if we could share times when we felt we used ourselves inappropriately.

Best regards,

Scott Bristol


Hello to all --

 The bad news is that only five of us (David Bradford, Scott Bristol, Flo Hoylman, Howard Lamb, Sue Ries Lamb) got to experience it ...

 The good news is that our Bay Area NTL Members Meeting on Wednesday, May 29th, was characterized by new learning, stimulating ideas, great colleageality, even a gourmet lunch prepared and hosted graciously by Scott’s wife, Virginia! Overall, the best time I personally have had with a group of NTLers since the close-to-perfect time when a dozen or so of us got together in Bethel to work on realigning the four core courses in the OD Certificate Program.

 Scott, who wins the title of “OD practitioner with the most scenic office” hands down, generously shared his innovative and useful work on values with us, helping us understand how the results of his ljMap educational tool applied to each of us personally; providing us with a group profile of our values and suggestions about how we could begin to use this information in working together; and giving us some examples of how he uses his work in executive coaching and organization consulting. Separately from this e-mail he will be sending out a summary of the content covered. I would strongly urge those of you who missed out on this opportunity to look for other ways to connect up with Scott and get an orientation on what he’s doing.

In the afternoon, we spent some time applying what we had learned in the morning to the task of considering possible futures for those Bay Area NTLers interested in continuing to meet as a group.

 We established the following mission for ourselves: “A community that designs innovative learning experiences for ourselves and others.” We agreed that we want to meet every 6 weeks for 6 hours in the near future in order to get some momentum going. Whether the meetings will start at 9:00 am and go till 4:00 pm, or start at 1:00 pm and go to 7:00 pm will be decided by whoever is convening each meeting, based on input from interested members. The next three meetings will take place on Thursday, July 26th (at Howard’s and my home in Tiburon), Thursday, September 20th, and Wednesday, October 24th.


Some of the topics we brainstormed for future meetings included:


    Designing a trainer-of-trainers weekend to support the continued learning of

     trainers who serve the Stanford Organization Behavior t-group program

    Consulting with each other on issues related to our work -- e.g., Howard and Sue

     need to develop a series of diagnostic assessment tools related to a new

     approach to diversity

     Discussing theoretical issues related to t-group training

    Expanding our skills for t-group facilitation -- e.g., understanding major clinical issues

     Designing/arranging for and carrying out weekend labs -- for ourselves and/or for other professionals -- e.g.,

     -     Learning more about Power Equity Group’s approach

     -     Learning more about Tavi approach

    Rethinking NTL’s basic HI -- incorporating more tie-in/application to participants’

     organization experiences

     Supporting each other with respect to client problems or personal growth issues

    Revisiting Scott’s values work once we have had a chance to digest it and talking

     about ways to apply it in t-group work as well as our own consulting practices


The norms we have agreed to are as follows:


    Group members will have the NTL history and model as a common experience

    Members will come when they can without any pressures about attendance

    Influence over meeting content and scheduling will be based on participation in

     the group

    We will engage in Straight Talk with each other

    We will hold ourselves and each other accountable for follow-up on commitments


    We will share leadership for different tasks -- agenda development/content

     presentations, hosting meetings, communications with members

    We will legitimize people taking the initiative and not shoot them down for doing so

    We will be system driven -- i.e., at each meeting we will follow through on the

     planned agenda vs redesigning on the spot

    There will be times when pre-work will be required; if so, the expectation will be

     that everyone has done it


We will be sending out an agenda for the meeting on July 26th (9:00 am - 4:00 pm) and directions to our place later. Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible then.


Cheers, Sue 

Meeting  April 6, 2001


 NTL Area's of Specialty regional review and feedback meeting.


Bay Area - NTL


Recently at a meeting a David Bradford's house a number of us (NTL) agreed

that we wanted to continue to meet and dialogue about what we are doing that

is of professional interest and passion. I volunteered to organize and

facilitate our next meeting.


You are invited to our next meeting.

Date: Wednesday, May 30

Time: 9-4

Place: (My Office) 55B Municipal Wharf, Santa Cruz, CA 95060


Theme: "Values, Words and Meaning"


My work in recent years has been in the area of "measuring and mapping

culture, values and meaning".


An "aha" that has been important to me is that I create and sustain

personal meaning through my language. Implicit in my language are my values.

If so... then, who do I want to spend the remainder of my life talking to?

and what do I want to talk about?


In order to explore these observations and questions in more detail I will

send you an invitation to complete the Life Journey Map, an online values

ranking process I developed. You'll receive immediate feedback after

completing ljMap ranking- your top 6 priority values. We will use our

personal priority values to explore our similarities and differences on May

30th. This is a scaleable measurement methodology that I have used at the

individual, group and organizational (cultural) level.


Please confirm your intent to attend or interest in receiving an ljMap

values ranking invitation.

Best regards,

Scott Bristol
