David and Eva Bradford

2922 Garber St.

Berkeley, CA 94705-1329

[510] 843-2044


Come over the Richmond Bridge and go south toward Oakland.  That runs into 880.  Take the Ashby exit and go east for about 15 blocks crossing Telegraph and College Avenues.  Just before you get to the Claremont Hotel, (gas station at NE corner)  go left on Claremont Ave.  This immediately forks and you want the left (which is Claremont Blvd).  Stay on that for two blocks and take the second left on to Avalon St.  At the end of one block, take a right onto Oak Knoll.  That dead ends to Garber and you can only go left.  We are the 2nd house on the left -- 2922 Garber.


Take the Bay Bridge.  Stay toward the right (but not the far right which would take you to San Jose) and take Route 580 toward Hayward.  Once on 580, stay in the right and take the first turnoff which is Route 24 to Walnut Creek.  Take the second exit which is Claremont Ave.  At the stoplight, go left (East) for about 15 blocks toward the Claremont hotel. 

The major street just before the hotel is Ashby; stay on Claremont and cross Ashby.  Immediately after Ashby, Claremont forks; go left (which is Claremont Blvd -- the road going straight is Claremont Ave and goes up the hill).  Stay on Claremont Blvd for two blocks and go left on Avalon.  After one block, go right on Oak Knoll.  In a block and a half, that deadends to Garber and you can only go left.  Park anywhere for we are the 2nd house on the left.


Take either Dumbarton or San Mateo Bridge and go north on 880.  As you come into Oakland, take Route 24 to Walnut Creek.  Take the second exit which is Claremont Ave.  At the stoplight, go left (East) for about 15 blocks toward the Claremont hotel. 


The major street just before the hotel is Ashby; stay on Claremont and cross Ashby.  Immediately after Ashby, Claremont forks; go left (which is Claremont Blvd -- the road going straight is Claremont Ave and goes up the hill).  Stay on Claremont Blvd for two blocks and go left on Avalon.  After one block, go right on Oak Knoll.  In a block and a half, that deadends to Garber and you can only go left.  Park anywhere for we are the 2nd house on the left.