Directions to Carole Robin’s house:
1544 Walnut Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94303

650-325-5181 Home
650-325-8852 Work

 Northbound or Southbound on 280:

Take the Page Mill Road exit and head east on Page Mill Road into Palo Alto.  Cross El Camino Real (at which point Page Mill turns into Oregon Expressway) and follow that until you get to the light at Middlefield Road.  Make a left on Middlefield Rd. (you are now going north) and take that to the light at Emabarcadero Rd.  Make a right on Embarcaderro (east) and go to Walnut Drive.  Walnut Drive will be the your first left after you have crossed the light at Newell (where there is a fire station).  There is no light or stop sign at Walnut so watch for it carefully.  If you get to the light at the corner of Embarcaderro and Louis, you missed Walnut.  Once on Walnut, proceed one long curved block to the stop sign.  1544 will be the first house on your left after the stop sign.

 Northbound or Southbound on 101

Take the Embarcadero Road West exit.(it also says Stanford University).  Head west on Emabarcadero, past the lights at St. Francis, then Greer, and then Louis.   After the light at Louis, look for Walnut Drive on your right-there is no light or stop sign so watch for it carefully.  If you get to Newell (where there is a fire station), you went too far. Once on Walnut, proceed one long curved block to the stop sign.  1544 will be the first house on your left after the stop sign.


From the East Bay, take either bridge to 101 South and then follow the directions above.